Check failed error

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Navigate: Main page/Система ejudge/Использование/Вердикты тестирования/Внутренняя ошибка проверки

Английское название: Check Failed, CF

An internal verification error occurs when the testing system was unable to verify the correct operation of the program under test for reasons beyond the control of the program under test. That is, the appearance of an internal validation error indicates a problem in the testing system or tournament settings, which should be fixed by the tournament administrator.

Possible reasons for an internal check failed error are listed below:

  • Not enough space in the file system.
  • An error in the checking program.
  • An error in the test data or reference responses.
  • Enabling safe program execution when a kernel patch is missing.
  • Something else

The ejudge system allows you to set the e-mail address to which a message will be sent when an internal validation error occurs in the tournament.